目前分類:Linux (88)

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RH desktop 9之後 Rh公司就不再繼續開發免費升級的官方個人桌面版了, 替代品是Fedora 系列

RHEL 企業版要註冊才可以升級 當然這涉及到$的問題...

學校FTP上有CENTOS的鏡像,而CENTOS 是RHEL的一個rebuild 版本.因為RH依然開放企業版

Aminzai 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


小議red hat/centos系統日誌

Aminzai 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

prompt %{^[[1;35m%}%n%{^[[0;37m%}[%{^[[1;33m%}%w%D %T%{^[[0;37m%}] %{^[[1;36m%}%~%{^[[m%} %{^[[1;31m%}%#%{^[[m%}

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Current Version: 7.0.63 (03/15/2006)

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Please use an Nvidia driver with release 1.0.8756 or newer.

Please update your kernel to release 2.6.16-1.2080 or newer.

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FC5: Ati or Nvidia Drivers

Here is a Ati/Nvidia driver installation howto. I wrote it again to prevent confusion with my previous post FC5 Test 2: Nvidia Finally Successful, as well as to explain why we are having problems with the installation of non-gpl kernel modules on FC5.

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開發近兩年的 Helix Player 及 Real Player 10 終於推出了,各位可到以下網頁下載:

1. Helix Player 1.0 及 RealPlayer 10 for Linux 版下載:

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